The Whitehorse Chevaliers provide the opportunity for community members in outer eastern Melbourne to learn and participate in the sport of fencing.
We aim to support our members to achieve their goals, whether they fence for fun, fitness or serious competition.
The club welcomes beginners of all ages, and provides a friendly and relaxed environment in which to start fencing. Our club includes adults across a range of ages, parent/teen fencing families, individual teenagers and juniors aged U13.
We currently offer training sessions up to six times a week in Nunawading (Friday evenings and Saturday mornings), Mitcham (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights), and a session in the Hills on Thursday nights.
We offer introductory sessions for people who are new to the sport; junior classes; and access to equipment, coaching and competitions.
Interested in becoming a member? Come and check out one of our training sessions at any time, chat to a coach and have a go!
For some fencing inspiration for end of year state opens, Australian Nationals and, most importantly, Whitehorse Chevaliers Club Championships, watch Best of Budapest 2019